Good grief! It's currently the third week of August, yet I'm just getting to my July round up post. Part of it is because we've just had so much fun during this month that I had a lot of other catching up to do:
tons of hiking, a
day trip to the Mirror Lake Highway, camping in
Logan Canyon and
Red Canyon, plus the
Fourth of July! Part of my lateness also comes from internet issues that we've been having this summer. And a final (big) part of it is once I got behind a bit, it was a lot easier to do something, anything else than catch up. But now I'm trying to catch up. My goal is a post a day till I'm level. Wish me luck! And enjoy this journey back in time to last month's adventures:
bonus video!
(for some reason Sam was not digging the video making, even though it was for his bestie, Charlie)
(after our hike on the birdsong trail with Grandma Elwood and Evy
and Bradley, we took our picnic lunch to the Ogden Botanical Gardens
to check out the roses.) |
(these benches and stairs were the sight of many a trick/joke/make-believe
play (while they were supposed to be eating, but gosh it was cute).) |
(we didn't miss the gorgeous blooms like I had feared!
(usually we come in June, but hadn't made quite yet)) |
(I think we smelled every single rose) |
7.1.20 |
7.1.20 |
7.1.20 |
(fave) |
(another example of too many books, not enough time. I started a few
of these, but most have been unopened in my six weeks of having them
checked out, unfortunately. Saving these here so I can remember to check
them out again when the time is right.) |
(a handful of beautiful picture books about black
people doing both heroic and everyday living) |
(spotted this at the library and promptly signed Cal
up for the color diffusion class (since it's the only one
we would be home for/old enough for) such a fun
idea!) |
(I think Heather shared this with me, but I saved it
because I love it) |
(maybe this should have gone on the 4th of July post? at any rate,
we prepped before the fact and the kids were very much in charge
of their vision for what their bikes would look like) |
(my bike even got a makeover, too!) |
(I recently explained what a bucket list is (i.e. a list of things you want
to do before you kick the bucket) and Cal said that she had one to add
to her list: an art sale. So she whipped out a few Mo Willems-esque drawings,
made a stand and a sign and set up her "free" sale in the driveway.) |
7.2.20 |
(I read aloud to them in the shade while they drew more things and
waited for their customers, of which there were a few, but the cool
thing was that nobody left with free art - everyone paid something
from $1 each up to $10 for one picture! Wow! What generosity!) |
(nothing feels more festive and refreshing than
a giant bowl of red, ripe watermelon in July) |
7.3.20 |
(remember that #stellarsummersunset thing I used to tag on insta?
this would fit for sure!) |
7.10.20 |
(sometimes it gets really quiet in the house and then I find them like
this and it makes my whole life!) |
(watering the garden - looking back at this now a month later, it's
kind of sad to realize it didn't grow much more than this! but we
were unaware and full of hope at this point ;) |
(so excited to see if we can spot the comet this month!) |
(found these leftover from the art sale - her full-on
bio makes me smile) |
(she also made plans for an airplane, which Gregg was so great
at helping her try to build it one afternoon) |
(checking into the zoom stem class about color diffusion. we picked
up a kit with the skittles and eye droppers and coffee filters and instructions
from the library after we signed up and then logged on to join the rest
of the class) |
7.13.20 |
(pretty cool to see those colors swirling!) |
(and yes, they ate all the soggy skittles afterward!) |
(Cal is also really into craft books from the library.
This was the project she chose from this particular
book and we made it happen one afternoon, even
though we didn't have all the exact supplies it asked for.
learning about adapting crafting "recipes" just like food
ones!) |
(Sam wanted to be in the pic, too, and they're
both just too adorable to not include this one, too) |
(the clouds were lovely on our walk past the park to the lake) |
7.14.20 (secret beach!) |
7.14.20 (we met up with some friends to splash and play in the water on a bright, hot day) |
bonus video!
7.14.20 (another playdoh creation by Callie) |
7.14.20 (FHE on the deck led by Cal and Sam) |
7.14.20 (we finally spotted the comet!! And Gregg caught it with our big camera in this amazing shot (which I took a picture of with my phone off the back screen of the camera). It was so thrilling!) |
7.14.20 (here are the actual photos of NEOWISE out of the camera) |
7.14.20 (and another - isn't that amazing?!!) |
7.14.20 (My friend Christine reminded me of The Library and then I went on a spree putting everything by this couple (they're married!) on hold. All are wonderful!) |
7.14.20 (latest library faves) |
7.14.20 (and a few more that I forgot to include in the last pic) |
7.14.20 (while we were at the library we stopped to check out the Huntsville settlers monument to see if Anders Lofgreen was listed and he was! (I don't know who Anders Lofgreen was, exactly, but my mom asked me to check so I did.)) |
7.14.20 |
7.14.20 (a nasty white skudge layer on my refrigerated sourdough starter - I thought I had killed it, but I scraped off the weird stuff and it looked and smelled great underneath, so I fed it and put it back in the fridge and all was well.) |
7.16.20 (lettuce crop looking pretty good!) |
7.16.20 (lunch was delish! (but it wasn't lettuce from the garden yet)) |
7.16.20 (serene summer sunset level here) |
7.16.20 |
7.17.20 (This is another from my long-time TBR that just felt like now was the right time to read. All I can say is wow. It was beautiful and heartbreaking. A must read!) |
7.18.20 (I started a bit of a mask factory in our front room - here we're working on some matching masks for Cal's and Ky's return to school) |
7.18.20 (isn't that lovely? from a solo walk to the north arm trailhead after bedtime) |
7.18.20 (how it really feels when we're thinking about back to school around here) |
7.19.20 (dead bat on the bike path this morning?) |
7.19.20 (morning walk to the cemetery, as you do.) |
7.19.20 (sunflower season!) |
7.19.20 (popsicle face!) |
7.21.20 (one of those cancer memoirs that I am for some reason drawn to. But this time it's written not by the person who dies, but by her husband who was left behind. I've read many of AKR's picture books and one of her memoirs and her famous NYTimes article and it was so interesting to hear her/their story from her husband's perspective. Definitely sad, but beautiful and hopeful and made me think: how am I making my mark in the world?) |
7.21.20 (this was a quick, fun, and funny graphic memoir. My favorite part were the illustrated recipes! And there's a story about her getting attacked by a geese as a child that finally made me realize my goose attack story was not nearly as traumatic as it could have been. ;) |
7.21.20 (an example of an illustrated recipe from the book) |
7.21.20 |
7.21.20 (and here's the goose story) |
7.21.20 (Evening walkies and clouds - gorgeous!) |
7.21.20 |
7.21.20 |
7.21.20 |
7.21.20 |
7.21.20 |
7.22.20 (it was entirely too cold to play in the creek at the Whiskey Creek Picnic Area outside of Heber where we met up with the Olsens for a playdate, but the kids hopped in anyway!) |
7.22.20 |
7.22.20 (it rained on us while we were there, but it kept us cool and we found shelter under the bowery nearby and had a great time anyway!) |
7.22.20 (we took an even bike ride to the church park and it rained on us on the way home, too) |
7.22.20 (think we have enough popcorn?!) |
7.22.20 (it was a stellar's jay we saw at our picnic party in Heber!) |
7.22.20 |
7.24.20 (we found out that the Weber County 4-H was opening up their indoor entries to anyone, whether they are enrolled in 4-H or not, and since Cal had a few projects she had completed in the last year, we decided to enter. Everyone is only getting participation ribbons, but they'll be put up on a facebook page for anyone to view. Here's her Expressions Contest blue-ribbon winning plants essay up for another show.) |
7.24.20 (she made this new flower book of pressed flowers after a walk around the neighborhood one afternoon. this is the cover) |
7.24.20 (page 1) |
7.24.20 (page 2 - I think it's awesome that she came up with this on her own (after reading the idea in a nature craft book, I think), but it would be homework in a weeds class in college that Heather used to teach!) |
7.24.20 |
7.24.20 (she knew the IDs of all of these flowers without looking them up!) |
7.24.20 (yep, another book that I've heard about and wanted to read forever, but now felt like the perfect time and it was. So much going on in this story: race, gender, class, police brutality, high school, single parenting, body image. But it was handled so well and really helped me see life from a different perspective. Must read!) |
7.24.20 (when it's Pioneer Day, but your parents won't let you stay up till it's dark to do sparklers, you move into the garage for a little more darkness to see them glow) |
7.24.20 (note Sam's footwear is much more safe for this sort of thing than Cal's flip flops (I was wearing flops, too, and I got burned from a falling chunk of sparkler that landed between my foot and my flip flop! yowch!)) |
7.25.20 (We had a clear-the-walls and stash-the-stuff clean up as part of home church today. Not exactly part of the Come Follow Me curriculum, but definitely made our home feel more peaceful and full of the spirit when we were done! Sam wanted to keep every picture on the wall, so we told him he could take pics of what he wanted to remember. This and the following are all from Sam's eyes. Enjoy ;) |
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7.25.20 |
7.25.20 (whew! we're done with that art show!) |
7.27.20 (Callie found a tiny snail in the ditch across the street and wanted to keep it in a jar (for a while)) |
7.27.20 |
7.27.20 (a dichromatic zucchini!) |
Whew! We made it! Stay tuned (hopefully you won't be hanging nearly as long this time) to next month's installment!
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