Thursday, March 26, 2020

Photos from Phones - March 2020 Round Up

March started out normal enough, but quite quickly became like nothing we've ever seen or experienced before.  Here's our "regular" photos from phones for March, which covers life as we knew it before the coronavirus quarantine.  I'll make a separate post, which will probably end up being a daily log of our time during the thing called social distancing.  And hopefully soon we'll be back to our regularly scheduled photos from phones posts with this whole COVID-19 drama just a blip on the timeline.  (Crossing fingers and saying prayers!)  Here we go.  Remember when? . . . 

(just a couple of picture books this week to share.  We thought it
was funny that the day after reading Birds, Callie learned about
Matisse at school in art!)

(it was Dr. Seuss week and Callie was fully on
board with the crazy hair day theme - she came
up with this do and I did my best to execute
her directions and vision)


(she walked all the way to school so she wouldn't mush the hairdo
in the burley!)

(since Sam is done napping as of last week, we can now do fun
outings on wednesdays after cal gets out of school early - today we
went to the dino park!)

(it's always so nice to go play outside in the warmth
of ogden while we're still buried in snow in early march!)

(60 degrees!!)

(blue skies!)

(smiling kids!)

(most dangerous creatures!)

(I was trying to get the kids and the contrail and
the moon all in one shot - barely made it!)

(I convinced Sam to ski a few runs with me on a bluebird day)

(we had a great time and didn't fall on any of the lifts!)


(found him in the reading corner - makes my heart
so happy!)

(pajama day at school for dr. suess week ("snuggle
up and read") happened to also be the day that
I signed up to do "fairytale friday" in Callie's classroom.
Sam came along in full costume to match the kids.
We read The Sneetches and then did a Sneetch craft
with the class and then stayed for recess and lunch!)

(pizza day!)

(Cal's sneetch on top, Sam's on the bottom - they
both turned out so cute and unique!)

(ky sent me this darling pic of zoe at her dad's
water polo game - look at those cheeks!!)

(saw this while scrolling through insta
and wanted to save it to remember - I
love Emily Belle Freeman's (and David
Butler's) weekly Come Follow Me Study
podcast called Don't Miss This)

(I invited my sibs and their families to come ski at Nordic during
their spring deal - Grace was excited to learn with Sam!)


(Gregg helped Evy learn, too!  She was a natural)

(we made a party day of it - everyone came back for
lunch and visiting, Gregg and T went back up for
a couple more hours of skiing on the soft spring snow,
we watched RSL's home opener of the season, we
cheered on the ags to victory at the mwc championship -
the first team to stamp their ticket in to the NCAA tourney
this season! - ate fajitas for dinner and had yummy
lemon bar white chocolate brownies for dessert)

(cousin babies meet for the first time!  Cooper on the left,
Zoe on the right)

(we had a fun blanchard family dinner
at Paul and Kim's to celebrate the march
birthdays - me and scott; please note the
candles are reversed in this picture!)

(Grandpa pulled out all the stops in the entertainment department!)




(I really enjoyed this.  She has a very poetic writing
style and it was great; she meshed nature essays with
stories from her family history and emotions of growing
up and growing old and joy and grief and life.  I thought
this was so beautiful!)

(picture book faves from this week.  we all super
loved Saturday as our top fave)

(sunny day and shorts!)
(paul posted this picture of him and his mom on the family herd
site and we all gasped when we saw the family resemblance - is
that paul or gregg or sam?!)


(mugs sent me this photo of the moon setting
in the morning)

(these are cute and fun! we loved that Love has a Gracie and a Sam
as characters! and we've been spotting robins like crazy for a week
now, so it made me think of the spring book, which has lots of other
signs of spring to watch for, too)

(a rare quiet snuggle with a book post-dinner time

(don't forget cal!)

(no one was excited about leaving their cozy corners so I took a
solo walk around the loop in the sunshine)

(I got on a little bit of a graphic novel kick for a couple of days -
this one about the life of John Muir was fun and informative!)

(gregg's dad shared this other goodie that I love)

(our last ski day of the season and it was a doozy -
Sam was fine on the green runs and we should have
learned our lesson from the top of the hill to just
stay on them, but he said he wanted to do bullseye
as our last run and then proceeded to have a tantrum
saying he wanted to go home and was going to walk/
slide down the hill instead of ski.  he's skied this one
plenty of times without incident, but today was not the
usual day, so we had to battle it out.  he finally got back
on his skis and made it down to the car without incident,
but we only got to see my uncle and cousins who were skiing
there that day for about 30 seconds and both sam and I left
in grouchy moods (he was so tired, for the record, we drove
straight to pick up cal from early out school and he was asleep
by the time we got to the school!)

(callie's latest art installment at our house - these colorful flowers
taped to straws were a birthday present, and we finally put them outside
to enjoy)

(she gave them to me with a little note that said something about
"put these in the snow and the flowers will grow!")

And then our world changed dramatically - it seriously feels so weird to look back on these photos and remember life "way back when" two to three weeks ago.  Stay tuned for the quarantining efforts and updates on a separate post!

Every other round up here (whew!):
2020: FebJan
2019: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sep | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2018: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2017: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2016: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2015: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2014: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar Feb | Jan
2013: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June

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