The Blanchards have been planning a big family reunion week (slash wedding!) on the Outer Banks of North Carolina for months. At last it was the end of July and we were off for an epic adventure! We found airline tickets out of Denver were almost half the price than if we had flown from Salt Lake, so we made plans to spend the Saturday before the reunion (July 20th) driving to Denver, then we'd stay overnight, and catch our plane the next day (the 21st). It worked out well, actually, because on our return trip we flew into Denver the next Sunday (the 28th), stayed overnight again in Denver, Gregg worked Monday morning at the Denver office, then we drove to Edwards where he worked for a couple more days before we drove home on Wednesday (the 31st). It was our longest family trip to date (twelve days!), and it went so smoothly! Our kids were awesome travelers (and Sam cried when it was time to come home, he was having so much fun).
So Day 0 (Saturday, July 20th) of our Blanchard gathering involved us driving I-80 to Fort Collins, stopping at parks in Rock Springs and Laramie, Wyoming on the way. We snagged dinner in FoCo at Burger King for less than $10 for all four of us (ha!), drove past the temple for a photo op, and stayed the night in a hotel in Loveland.
Rock Springs park and playground were prime wiggle-relieving
spots. Also of note: Lunchables for lunch! Living the high life! |
Of course. |
Cal had some great car art going on during our
trip. |
More monkey bars in Laramie. |
bonus video
also in Laramie
I took these next few pics for Heather since she's into this
sort of thing. :) |
A cute community garden area at the LaBonte park in Laramie. |
Cool temple and cool clouds! |
That community garden is so cute! Thanks for taking pics for me :)