Another thing on Megan's list-of-things-to-do-while-in-Utah was to hike to High Creek Lake. She invited me and Heather to join her and I'm so glad it worked out that we could do it. I was nervous, I'll admit, because it was long and uphill and I haven't done more than a tyke hike in a really long time. But I made it! My toes and balls of my feet were SORE by the end of the almost 12 miles (if you go by my fitbit tracker opposed to Heather's closer to 11 miles on her GPS app), but that and some minor quad soreness was all I had. I was so happy! It was a marvelous day in the mountains with these sisters. I don't think we've ever hiked in this combination before. Mugs and I used to hike a lot while Heather was on her mission. And Heather and Mugs used to hike together before she moved to Ohio. So it was fun to have this time just the three of us.
Starting out at 8:23 am. |
Lots of river crossings, but thankfully they all had "somewhat sturdy log bridges". This one was definitely the sketchiest, but we all made it just fine. |
We're all thankful for the handrails! |
We named this one the "two logger". |
The light was was pretty on the aspens behind Meg. |
I couldn't believe the paintbrush! They were magnificent the whole way! |
Hiking in a mountain wonderland. |
We made it to the meadow and it was absolutely stunning! |
Group shot attempts = butt shots. |
Butt shots for everyone. |
Finally worked! (The sensor in the remote doesn't work through bodies, it turns out. ;) |
Can you even with those larkspur?! |
Gorgeous! |
I spy some snow on the mountains yonder. |
This is looking back from where we came. |
Getting steep! |
Higher and higher. |
Bonus waterfall! |
"We'll pop through those trees and the lake will be right there!" |
False. Spoiler alert: this is not the lake. |
We kept climbing and climbing and came to these rocky cliffs with lots of columbines! |
Amazing! |
Seriously - paintbrush everywhere! I was in heaven! |
There's the trail we came up on. |
I thought that rock slide was and over the trail, but then we got close and realized the trail went around it. And there were plants growing in the middle of the rocks. Must have been there for a long while. |
I spy some fireweed! |
And the lake! At last! We were so happy to see this sight at 12:34 pm. |
That tree and rock ahead made a perfect picnic spot. |
Lunch selfie! |
Sisters! (And oh, yes, I was rocking the hiking outfit today! HA!) |
Heather took this one - I love the flowers in the foreground. |
Oh, thank you, Heather for taking a close up of them, too! :) |
Angelic sisters. |
Cute sisters. Not cute sludge on the lake. Ew. |
Orange paintbrush! |
Looking down into the valley from almost 9000 feet. (We started at ~6000.) |
One more group shot of the with the valley behind (and our terrible hat hair!). |
These beauties were almost magenta. |
Down, down, down we go, back to that beaver pond where we took a group shot this morning. |
Didn't notice this lovely cascade as we crossed the river the first time. Glad I looked up on the way back! |
Final hike stats, thanks to Fitbit. |
No wonder I was pooped! |
It was such a great hike and a great day! And I'm glad you took some pictures of the columbine because I think at that point I was too tired to even get my camera out.