Day 3 (Tuesday, July 23rd) was forecast to be stormy so we decided to stay close to home. We popped out to the Oceanfront pools instead of the beach before the rain started and the lightning came. After swimming, I spent the afternoon baking lemon white chocolate cheesecakes (my wedding assignment was the cake!!) while the rest of the fam napped, decorated pillowcases and t-shirts, played games, read, visited, and made dinner (Heather made a variety of yummy curries (Thai, Japanese, Indian) with fun toppings - kind of like Hawaiian haystacks, but curry-ified). During the baking and dinner-making the storm really blew in. We had heavy rain and some wind, and even a couple tornado alerts on everyone's phones! Luckily, it blew on by with no tornadoes touching down. We ended the evening with guitar time from Paul. It was fun to sing along to the songs Gregg and his siblings grew up singing together.
Morning snuggles. |
Laurel was a great sport to style
everyone's hair almost every day. |
Reunion pillowcases for the kiddies. |
The Foosball room was a hit with the kids. |
Pool shenanigans. |
Callie's t-shirt creation. |
Story time with Grandma. |
I almost packed my apron for this
very moment, but forgot when the
actual packing was happening. Luckily
I'm married to a MacGuyvering kind
of guy who whipped this little number
up for me out of a towel, two of Callie's
hair bows and Gregg's earbuds cord. |
Brotherly chats. |
Sister-in-law dishes duty. |
Bonding with uncle Ryan. |
Deep discussions about machine learning. |
Done! Now into the fridge
for a couple days till the wedding! |
Callie and Kage - matchy matchy! |
Dinner crew - Kim liked my apron so much, we made one for her. |
Grandpa bonding time. |
Ted rescue team. |
Dinner spread. |
YUM! |
The Whinogis brought back a sample tasting of all kinds of
yummy chocolates from their trip to New Zealand earlier
this summer. It made a great dessert! |
Grandma got all the grandkids jammies - Dray was an extra
good sport to wear his long johns with the trap door! |
bonus video!
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