Friday, July 1, 2016

Adventuring {Oregon: Rainy Day Fun + Tillamook}

Day 4: Thursday, June 23rd

Thursday morning turned out to be rainy (surprise, surprise
on the Oregon coast!) but it was perfect for some fun inside
crafts and activities Grandma had prepared.

Cal designed and decorated her shirt herself.
Can you tell?

Sam had a little help from his dad.

We also decorated hiking sticks with strings of beads.

A lot of chess was played at this table by the window.
It was great to see these boys really mastering their game.

Sam the ham.
(That's Cal's nickname for him.)

Handsome fellas.

Lunchtime was spent at the delicious and oh-so
crowded Tillamook Cheese Factory.  (We figured
rainy day meant every single person on the Oregon
Coast headed to eat cheese, just like us.)

Sam got some first tastes of tomato soup to go with
 his grilled cheese.

I think he liked it.
(I ordered the Cheese Supreme (bacon, medium
cheddar, tomato on sourdough) which was good.
Gregg got the Piglet (just read about it on the menu!)
and it was the bomb.  Best choice. Hands down.)

Finishing off her grilled cheese while driving
the Tillamook VW van.  Multitasking at its best.

She'll hate me when she's older for posting this,
but I just crack up every time I see it.

Watching the factory workers in action.

Dessert?  Of course!  We wanted to try a few flavors so we got
a triple scoop to share: Oregon Dark Cherry, Salted Butterscotch,
and Chocolatey Chip Cookie Dough.  In a waffle bowl.
Yowza!  That was a ton of ice cream.  But oh-so-wonderful!

Grandma had some helpers decorating the "un-birthday"
cake for dessert.

Here are the real chess masters.  Cal was the cutest little player
ever.  You can tell she had been watching her big cousins
because she knew that you had to move pieces around on the board
and then randomly set them off to the side.  Which is exactly what
she did.

iPad time with Grandpa is always a hit.

I had to steal this sunset pic from Laurel because I missed the
peak while I was getting Sam down to sleep.  But seriously.

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