After finding our perfect Christmas tree in
Colorado, and hauling it the hundreds of miles back home, it sat in our kitchen for a night to thaw and 're-fluff' before we moved it into its more 'permanent' home in the family room. But then we were all struck with a yucky 24-hour bug and it sat there, bare, for another day. Finally we got it decorated! Callie loved to help decorate, but a lot of the ornaments were a little too tricky for her to put on. Luckily, the candy canes she could handle, and handle them she did. The pics I took of it are not great (I'm so out of practice with my DSLR camera), but you can get an idea of its cuteness. We sure love our tree. Callie especially is a fan of turning on and off the lights (and she'll let us know if we did so and it was actually her job - ah, two-year-olds).
Action shot. Unintentional, of course. |
Just snoozin' by light of Christmas tree.
Ain't nothin' bettah. |
Now this here's a tree! |
We say it every year, but this is one of our
better picks. |
And here are a couple of bonus videos! I caught Callie singing Oh Christmas tree, while standing next to the tree and looking at the lights and ornaments. Totally unprompted! I had to ask her to sing it again a couple times so I could get it recorded. Too cute not to share.
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