Megan invited anyone in the fam to join her in the mountains for a little weekend camping trip to celebrate her 21st birthday. She and my parents found a great spot in the Porcupine Campground up St. Charles Canyon in Idaho near Bear Lake on Thursday afternoon. We joined them Friday (July 28th) afternoon, and Heather and Kylie and their families were soon to follow (we missed Nate and his crew since he has school on the weekends). We had yummy birthday stew with rolls baked in the dutch oven and cobbler and s'mores (new recipe: ritz cracker + reese's pb cup + roasted marshmallow + ritz cracker = amazing!). In the morning we ate biscuits (again baked in the dutch ovens) and gravy and fruit and then went on a couple fun, little hikes in the canyon not too far from the campground. We came back to break camp, eat some sandwiches for lunch, and then head home. A quick trip, but a mighty fine one spent in the mountains with family. Can't beat it.
Opening her present from us. |
Cal painted her a picture and picked out some
sour patch kids ("maybe she'll share with me!"). |
A lovely lone paintbrush hanging out near our
campsite. |
Hands down the favorite pastime of the littles was playing
in Grandpa and Grandma's tent trailer. |
That's my kind of birthday cake.
Side note: these tinfoil dutch oven inserts
are the best invention ever! |
This is how Sam s'mores.
(Or is that snores? Ha. Ha.) |
Morning sleeping bag snuggles - how many people/mice can you fit in one bag? |
Oh Sammy, how I love that smile! |
I can't help but post this one, too, because, really - just look at that boy! |
I'll say this: it's definitely not a relaxing sort of snuggle when one of those munchkins happens to be a wiggly toddler |
Oh hi there, goofy. |
Good mornin' to everyone! |
Blue Pond Spring was pretty impressive. |
Lots of water coming out of that hole in the
ground! |
Just trying on everyone's shades to see what shape
I want to get for my own sunglasses soon. |
Tired boy up there. |
On another trail with a lovely little stream. |
Pooh sticks. |
We wanted to stop at Bear Lake and splash
around a bit, but the lake is so high and the
beaches are few and far between and the crowds
were large, so we ended up stopping at Pineview
before heading home. |
Cal didn't mind as long as it was wet.
Plus she got a good nap in on the drive home,
so win-win for all of us. |
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