Tuesday, August 22, 2017

I Saw a Hot Air Balloon Flying Over My House

A weekend we had long been waiting for finally arrived on August 18th: The Ogden Valley Balloon Festival!  We woke up bright and early (and chilly! - it was 48 degrees when we left our house!) to get to the park in time to see the balloons filling and then launching into the sky.  The morning launches are my favorite part of all.

Gregg was laughing at Sam's face every time the
flame came on.

You can sort of see Sam's grimace here.

First one is away!
(This one was always first - and it got earlier every
day so by Sunday it was high in the sky when we
got to the park at the same time as the day before.)

As we were walking home, playing the I Spy a
Balloon game.

It was fun, too, because we had visitors to share the party with.  On Friday evening, Heather, Terrell and Grace joined us for our Pizza and a Movie Night, and then we all ventured over to check out the booths and evening launch (I didn't even remember that they launched in the evening since in years past it has been too warm or windy or something for them to do it, so that was a nice surprise to see a couple go up while we were there).  We explored for a while then came back home to get jammies on and prepped for the evening glow at 8:45.  And then the Olsens slept over in our front room/guest room which was super fun (even though not much sleep was to be had).

Flashlight fun.

Snuggle buddies.

On Saturday morning, my parents and Megan drove down bright and early to watch the morning launch with us.  They have been to the evening festivities before, but had never seen the big groups go up in the mornings.  It was a glorious sight and one that I never tire of watching.

Saturday was special because a bunch of balloons lifted off
almost at once.

The new guy in town.  And coincidentally my
new favorite.  I love the design of this one - the
mountains on top and the bright squares on the
bottom and the rather classic looking flags
hanging from the rope.  Heart eyes for sure!

All hovering low above the lake, yonder, as
we walk back home for mixed berry and peach
muffins for breakfast.

On Saturday evening, my good friend from college, Michelle, and her kids joined us for a Cafe Rio pork salad/burrito dinner, complete with a coconut tres leches cake that Michelle brought (oh yum!).  After our meal, we wandered to the park for more booth fun (the free popcorn, balloons and cotton candy from Remax really made this mom happy since Callie was wanting to get/taste/win/buy something at every other booth that required cash that I wasn't willing to fork over).  We did a repeat of Friday evening by returning home to get jammies on before heading back for the glow (Sam didn't get to come Saturday night because he was just too tired).  Michelle's husband Jimmy had arrived by that time (he had to work late) so he got to join us for the night lights.

bonus videos!

The Harlines spent the (again, rather sleepless) night (thanks a lot, children!) and on Sunday morning we witnessed the final launch of the 2017 festival.  Every day was cool and clear and calm and it was glorious to see all the colorful balloons rise up over the park.  It's always fun to spot them around the valley and neighborhood and above our house for the next hour or so while they enjoy their magical ride in the sky.

bonus video!

Jimmy and Taylor come over with us first, and
Michelle and Danielle joined us a few minutes later.

The whole Harline crew.

Hard to night smile when you see a giant balloon.
Impossible not to smile when the top is smiling

Friends and daughters.

My favorite driveway view ever.

A little stroll down our street.

At our corner.  See ya next year!

We all came back for waffles and fruit for breakfast, followed by baths and showers and prepping for church.  We got to share the bench with the Harlines in Sacrament Meeting before they headed back home for naps and to finish their Sabbath.  We loved having people to share "our" "hotair boon fessball" (as Sam says) fun with.  Put it on your calendars for next August to join us!  (We have a hide-a-bed and plenty of blankets and will feed you good stuff!)

(P.S. The title for this post comes from a cute little poem I found online that pretty much describes how we feel about balloons around here:

I saw a hot air balloon flying over my house: 
Most of the time, it was as quiet as a mouse, 
But, every so often, its burners suddenly roared, 
And higher, up into the sky, it suddenly soared.

My excitement, I found hard to keep at bay, 
As, a hot air balloon, you don't see every day.
A passenger balloon floating through the air, 
For me, is so special, as the sight is so rare.

The sight of the balloon, filled me with delight, 
And I stood watching it, until it flew out of sight.
My eyes were stuck to the balloon, just like glue, 
As it floated across a sky of cornflower blue.

I wonder what it's like to float through the sky, 
Watching the world down below gliding on by.
I've always wanted to ride in a hot air balloon: 
I hope I will one day, and I hope that it's soon. 
Angela Wybrow)

1 comment:

  1. It really is beautiful to see them go up! Thanks so much for the invite and the yummy muffins and all!
