Thursday, October 15, 2020

Vermont Relocation Vacation {10/15: Tramside, Caramel Apples}

Thursday (October 15th) was a slow day, but we still did some fun things. The forecast was for strong winds most of the day, so we decided to do work/school/home stuff. Turns out the wind did come, but it wasn't nearly as windy as we expected. And it was warm! So the kids and I got out on a walk over and around Tramside this morning while Gregg took a lunchtime ramble by himself. 

We don't see many sunsets around here, but the sunrises
are magnificent!

We started down this snowshoe trail
but only made it as far as the wooden walkway
and then we turned back around.

I may have as many fungus
pictures as I do leaf pictures! (Cal is equally
obsessed - she points them out everywhere!)

I love the lichen/moss that is everywhere.

Spotted in a parking lot as we passed through. Hmmm...

Leaves are dropping!

We got back from our walk and I realized we hadn't
ever taken a porch pic with the pumpkins.

When we got back from our walk we visited on Facebook Messenger (it's the new fave for the kids because of all the filters and games and effects) with Gracie for a while. And then we got a lot of stuff checked off for school plus did some fun Read Aloud Revival Family Book Club activities for October's pick: Thank You, Omu! We listened to the book on youtube (since we don't have a copy or access to a library right now) and Callie did a little collage project. (I like when we get to add in the "fun" homeschooly things that I've been excited about - it doesn't happen every day for lots of different reasons, so it's kind of special when it does.) 

They actually don't talk much because they're so
focused on clicking new backgrounds and special
effects or starting games (which they also don't really
play). It's just fun to touch the screen so much, I guess.

Cal's collage a la Oge Mora's in Omu.

We also finished this read aloud up sometime
during the day. (Cal and Sam were itching to
finish it, not necessarily to find out what happens
to Mouse Minor and find out who he actually is, but
because they were so excited about our next
book to read: The Little Leftover Witch.)

After dinner we took a quick jaunt up to Stateside to wander and throw discs and play on the bleachers. And then we came back for dessert: make your own caramel apple! This is a tradition that started back when we were in charge of activity days and Callie makes sure it keeps going. We had a fun, sticky, sweet evening together decorating and eating and giggling. (And then it was shower time for everyone!)

Look familiar? It's a corona-caramel apple!
Clever, that one.

Did I mention it was messy?

Sam asked me to take a pic of all sides of
his apple so he "can remember it".


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