Saturday, October 24, 2020

Vermont Relocation Vacation {10/23: Lamoille Valley Rail Trail, Stowe Mini Golf}

Another good weather day = another day out and about. Friday (October 23rd) was beautiful and warm! It's been a while since we've seen a blue sky around these parts. We planned to ride the Lamoille Valley Rail Trail (which we didn't get to yesterday in all our adventuring) and do some mini golfing. We also got to meet Gregg's boss Trevor and his wife Karen (and dog and chickens) at his beautiful house on a mountain. And after mini golf we got to meet another coworker, Trish (and her dog Peanut) at her beautiful house on a mountain. (No pics, unfortunately, of the Inntopia peeps, but it has been great to finally meet some of these people I've only ever heard about.)

While breakfast cooked, I took a quick walk down
the street.

Breakfast is served (finally! - because I had to make it
twice. Note to self: Cumin is NOT a good substitute
for Cinnamon in Flying Apple Flapjacks!).

We got to ride across a few fun bridges
on this rail trail.

This one was over a road!

A gorgeous day for a bike ride!

A different kind of golf than we've been
playing lately.

1 comment:

  1. I think I could be hooked on rail trails! Too bad about the Apple pancake! I’ll remember not to substitute cumin for cinnamon 😊
