Here's the November round up - it's as much a surprise to me as it is to you . . . coming at it from February! (Yikes!) Let's take a look and see what we were up to back then, eh?
11.1.22 (trick or treat candy sort time) |
11.1.22 (snow!) |
1.3.22 (We’ve had fun the past couple of days learning about Dia de los Muertos by reading all these books. And then we did a blot painting of a sugar skull that was really fun. We’ve also started reading about ancestor Richard Ballantyne again, partly inspired by Day of the Dead traditions of telling stories of ancestors and partly to prepare for a new Eden Settlers monument that will be dedicated on Friday and he is on it!) |
11.4.22 (Sun camp! We painted pictures of the sun using shaving cream and food coloring.) |
11.4.22 |
11.4.22 |
11.4.22 |
11.4.22 (here we are at the monument unveiling at Eden Park for the founders of Eden) |
11.4.22 (here are all the Eccles descendants by the statue of their grandfather, David Eccles. Our ancestor is listed on the big plaque of original settlers, and someday will also have a bio on the smaller rock to the right (with the black covering hiding behind it), but the weather needs to cooperate so they can finish all the installation of plaques.) |
11.4.22 (Cal and I got to join the middle young women class at the Weber High musical Pirates of Penznace - we had a great time watching the show, and even spotted a few our our yw in it! They did awesome!) |
11.4.22 |
11.4.22 |
11.4.22 (the cast is HUGE!) |
11.5.22 (more snow!) |
11.6.22 (and a LOT of rain!) |
11.7.22 (we wanted to see the new monument up close so we made a little visit to the park (what am I saying, we're always at the park!)) |
11.7.22 |
11.7.22 (Richard Ballantyne!) |
11.7.22 |
11.7.22 |
11.7.22 |
11.7.22 |
11.7.22 (here's the bell from the school) |
11.7.22 (We just finished listening to this one. I actually started reading it aloud in October as sort of a Halloweeny book, but it really could be read anytime. We loved it and were rooting for the nice wicked witch Molly and her minions the whole time.) |
11.7.22 (here's the hardback version) |
11.9.22 (big, fat flakes!) |
11.9.22 (this was just funny because of the timing - my water-nerd friend Holly and I texted each other at the exact same time about the precipitation) |
11.10.22 (turns out I do not love shoveling leaves) |
11.10.22 (but that's how we had to take care of the leaves this fall - with shovel!) |
11.10.22 (milestone day: Mom relented and bought a Minecraft: Education Edition subscription and downloaded the game on her computer the night before and suprised the kids with the chance to finally play the game they have been reading about and watching youtubers play and obsessing over for months!) |
11.11.22 (awwww... heat vent snuggles and stories) |
11.12.22 (this was a much-needed, though challenging, read) |
11.14.22 (We just finished up an enlightening and rich unit about the Native tribes of Utah. We read or skimmed most of these books together (except the top one - that was just me) and learned so much about the Goshute, Navajo, Paiute, Ute and Shoshone people who lived and still live here in Utah and surrounding states. I loved using this curriculum ( to guide our discussions and provide meaningful projects. We also watched clips from the KUED documentary series We Shall Remain ( |
11.14.22 (I've been cleaning and found this stash of kitty cat notes from Cal that I had been saving because they're cute and clever and funny - she hasn't left any around the house for a good while now, but for a few months we were finding these in all our shoes and pillows and toothbrush cups and drawers and pockets . . . ) |
11.16.22 (STEAM club at the library got really exciting today - they built card towers!) |
11.16.22 |
11.16.22 |
11.16.22 (they got really into it) |
11.16.22 |
11.16.22 (So tall!) |
11.16.22 |
11.16.22 (and this group was going for strength instead of height - they kept running back and forth bringing the heaviest books they could find on the shelves to stack on their card tower.) |
11.16.22 (most impressive!) |
11.16.22 (We’ve been enjoying these short biographies of influential women in the car (mostly on the way to swimming lessons). They’re just about a half hour each and we’ve been able to learn about so many interesting people. (And there are tons in the series to come!) (Not pictured: Malala Yousafsai, which we just listened to, but the app did weird things with the image and I couldn’t get a good pic to add to the collage. 🤷🏻♀️)) |
11.16.22 (see? weird app things happening) |
11.16.22 (not really - but still fun! Megan had a weird glitch in her puzzle for a few days, getting words that no one else was getting and then her words would show up a few days later, so when she caught on and told us about it, we all knew to try BAKER on this day. And voila! it worked!) |
11.19.22 (clean room! and clean kid!) |
11.19.22 (we hung up this little shelf and I love that he wanted to display this fine specimen of a teasel) |
11.19.22 (Cal's room is clean, too!) |
11.19.22 (hooray!) |
11.21.22 (Of all that giant stack of Native American books we have been reading this month, this was our favorite: a fictionalized account of a real-life Ute girl named Elk Tooth Dress, who was kidnapped by the Cheyenne, then traded to the Arapaho, then rescued by the white men, who she considered the enemy, but learned could be kind and good. It's a glimpse into the complex life of this girl and we loved learning about the Bear Dance and other traditions of the Ute people through a story instead of a textbook.) |
11.23.22 (I enjoyed this short collection of essays about prayer. She is not your “typical” Christian, maybe a little far out idea-wise for some, but I enjoy reading her thoughts anyway. Found this one when I searched for “thanks” on the library website and it was a good, quick read for this busy time of year for me.) |
11.25.22 (Another recent audiobook listen. This was a “reread” for us, and it was excellent, as it was the first time. The story of a robot who awakens on an island after her cargo ship sinks in a hurricane. She learns how to be wild and how to “live” and love and faces many adventures along the way. The description says it’s like WALL-E meets Hatchet. Pretty accurate!🤣) |
11.27.22 (Wowza! What a sunset!) |
11.27.22 (5:03 pm, by the way) |
11.27.22 (5:07 pm) |
11.27.22 (seen on Cal's door :) |
11.27.22 (surprisingly similar plot lines between the two . . .) |
11.29.22 (Just making themselves cozy at our home away from home. 🤣) |
11.30.22 (Learned a lot of Christmasy history this morning with these picture books! 🎄 🤴🏽💃🏼) |
11.30.22 (we got to go watch Dray play in his first Freshman basketball game in Brigham City!) |
11.30.22 |
11.30.22 |
11.30.22 |
12.1.22 (this is technically a December pic, apparently, but I'm just gonna leave it right here. Sam got to conduct a survey and graph the results for a math lesson. Of course he asked about Minecraft. ;) |
Every other round up here (whew!):
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