Here's the round-up of everything else in April! (Mostly bookish pics, as it turns out quite often ;)
4.2.23 (a new skill? definitely new; not quite skillful . . . but I learned how to knit at a young women activity last week and found it to be a great thing to do with my hands during General Conference.) |
4.2.23 (and while I was knitting, Cal was crocheting - it finally clicked for her and she was cruising!) |
4.3.23 (We took a deep dive into Princess and the Pea over a month or so. My fave version is La Princesa. The kids enjoyed The Princess Test and Pitstop (which was more a mashup of allll the fairytales than a retelling of this one, but it was fun).) |
4.3.23 (Our fave RAR founder Sarah Mackenzie wrote and published her own beautiful book (center) so we spent a whole day celebrating it family book club style. These other two books are defining “in stream” as she calls it and I just happened to have on hand from the library, which worked out perfectly. They’re all about people spreading beauty and joy through flowers and gardens. I could use a little springy goodness like this right about now!) |
4.4.23 (This was a fun anthology we read a bit of each morning during March (which just feels like the time to celebrate Irish culture to me).) |
4.4.23 (Another Vanderbeekers down. One more to go (with a 16 week wait on libby ... grrr).) |
4.8.23 (we had a fun afternoon with cousins at the Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Fine Art on USU's campus before we went to Hyde Park for the Easter egg hunt. They had a scavenger hunt for the kids, plus a fun cyanotype sun print project and a seed bomb project) |
(Last week we read and learned about the water cycle.
These books are excellent for that venture. 💧)
4.11.23 (I finally finished this one tonight (it took me over a month even though it isn’t long and I was enjoying it - it’s just been a weird reading stretch for me lately 🤷🏻♀️). I really loved her book from a couple years ago called Wintering, so when I saw she had a new one, I knew I had to read it. I just love the way she writes and thinks. And the idea of wonder and enchantment is one that has been on my mind lately, so I was especially drawn to this book.) |
4.13.23 (Just listened to this one in one “sitting” (actually I was cooking and walking, but I never stopped listening ;) and it was delightful! I’ve read the book twice before, as recently as last year, so some of the “story” was still fresh (for me, which is saying something) but when the rar mama book club this spring mentioned it was fun to listen to, I remembered I had bought it on audible when it was less than a dollar last year, and I knew that would be the method I’d read it this time round. It did not disappoint! I especially loved the multiple narrators and the delightful accents. 👌🏼) |
4.14.23 (Sam has been passing the time playing basketball in the front room lately. One evening he got on a roll and I love that he wrote down his score so he could share with us at dinnertime.) |
4.14.23 (Cal requested Harry Potter as our bedtime read. It was so fun to share in her first time experiencing Hogwarts and all the characters. She feels like she “gets” more of the Harry references she’s read and heard now. :)) |
4.14.23 (This was an interesting compilation of poems created by picking words from comments, emails, advertisements, etc that the author received on her social media or about her other book/poetry. Some are horribly rude and others are very kind and grateful; she reads the entire original piece and then follows with her “erasure” poem that might be a comment back or a recap or changed to be the complete opposite of what was said to her. It was so clever! Heads up for some language and very feminist viewpoints ;).) |
4.17.23 (We’re spending the month learning about the earth, so when I accidentally found the book on the left as I was searching for spring books (we’re reading a lot of those, too, hoping to get into a springy mood around here), I thought it would pair nicely with the picture book bio on the right that I had checked out just because I had heard high praise of it on a podcast. And now I want to attempt Walden or Civil Disobedience for myself! (I checked out a stack of Thoreau just today; we’ll see how ambitious I really am!) Definitely check out the book about the ice, though, because it is excellent and a history/story I have never heard before!) |
4.18.23 (Gregg texted me this pic after I finished reading with Sam at bedtime . . . it's become our own pre-bedtime tradition to play a game or two (or three or four) after the kids are in bed.) |
4.19.23 (after re-reading 84 Charing Cross Road, I heard that there was a sequel, so when I searched for Helene Hanff at the library, this is the book they had and I put it on hold. Turns out it is not the "sequel", but it was still really fun to read because it is a memoir of how she came to write 84 in the first place) |
4.21.23 (Happy Earth Day! 🌍 🌎 🌏) |
4.22.23 (I gobbled this up; the writing was so beautiful and the format was so creative. But the “story” was SO sad. It’s a memoir of this poet’s (I hadn’t heard of her before but I have been hearing of her and this book all over the place lately so I decided to see what the fuss was about) divorce. I’ve read tons of cancer memoirs but never a divorce memoir. It was heartbreaking in its own way. But seriously so beautifully written. I’ve got her other two most recent books in my stack, just because I like her style.) |
4.24.23 (Here's the book that Maggie Smith wrote during her divorce, mostly as inspiring and uplifting instagram (or was it twitter?) posts to herself during that rough time.) |
4.24.23 (Sam built this lincoln log house and wanted a pic of it, so he borrowed my phone and snapped a LOT of pics that looked just like this) |
4.24.23 (And then there was this one that I absolutely adore!) |
4.24.23 (also this) |
4.24.23 |
4.25.23 (another day, another house, another photo shoot) |
4.25.23 |
4.25.23 (the kids have been enjoying a Tuesday morning art class with other homeschoolers for a few weeks. Sam's group is just a drop in project for about 20 minutes (this day he made a bird feeder with an ice cream cone, frosting, bird seed and a string of fruit loops). Callie's group has a little lesson about an artist and then they do a project related to that artist's style. Super fun.) |
4.27.23 (they made a little minecraft world scene out of their legos and wanted a photo) |
4.28.23 (Happy Arbor Day! We spent the week reading (or just looking through) these beauties.) |
4.28.23 (Our Utah history studies this week have focused on the Transcontinental Railroad. Of course we read lots of books (and watched a Charlie Brown video, not pictured) about the topic.) |
4.28.23 (For Poetry Month we’ve done a bit of a focus on Emily Dickinson. We learned a lot about her life from the pic book bios and had fun finding the poems we knew by her (and discovering some new gems) in the poetry collections.) |
4.28.23 (Another focus of our poetry month festivities was haiku, one of my favorite types of poetry. Our library had a great selection I snatched off the shelf to enjoy and learn from.) |
4.28.23 (we got to spend an evening at the Ogden High Pool with Ky and Zo watching Mike coach the Krakken in water polo.) |
Every other round up here (whew!):
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