Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Photos from Phones - March 2023 Round Up

Only just over a month behind on this round up! I'm getting a little bit better? (Ha!) Most of our month's pics actually appear in the Out There post, since most of our life revolved around snow in March, and in the posts about our trip to California. But there are a few other details (mostly books, naturally) that popped up during the month, so here they are, recorded for posterity.

(We listened to this one on our road trip home from California. It was fun for the kids and me since we’ve been learning lines from and the story of A Midsummer Night’s Dream (we’ve even been listening to a live cast recording of the actual play). This story is inspired by Shakespeare’s and is sprinkled with lines from the play, but it’s a totally different story of a girl and her family and a new friend she meets in the woods behind her house and a kids cooking contest (that was a fun touch - lots of food references and descriptions and similes and reminded us of Jr Bake Off).)

(Sam asked why we were on a friends theme this morning with our read alouds, but I had to tell him it wasn’t actually intentional. Mostly these two ebooks were about to expire on libby and I wanted to read them before they disappeared from my account. But both were cute! I’d (always) rather read a physical book, but when the library only has the ebook version, I’m glad for the kindle app that lets me read them on my surface laptop which almost (not really) feels like the real thing.)

(I got watercolor paints for Christmas from Laurel and the set came with a set of pdf lessons
that we've been working through for art every week. Here's my progress . . . I still don't feel confident
painting anything from my head, but I'm happy with following steps and looking at a picture)

(a poem we read during teatime that made me smile and think,
especially this week of my birthday)

(a phone wallpaper I snagged from RAR - this quote just made
 me think and smile. I've been hearing/reading/thinking a lot about
wonder lately, so this was timely)

(We read these all for Nature Study day... definitely were missing the ocean we had just left!)

(Poor Apollo lift had some real troubles towards the end of the season -
Nordic tried hard to make things work, but this one just made me laugh.
It lasted for a day and then they got the lift working again for a while, so I never
got to ride in the cat or even see the line of people waiting for a ride, but I imagine
 it was nuts)

(What a birthday surprise from my dishy - he made homemade croissants!)

(they were absolutely delicious!)

(the most delicious croissants I have ever eaten!)

(we had scrambled eggs and sausage and chocolate milk, too.
Such a yummy spread!)


(look at those layers!)

(flaky and buttery and warm and soft and crispy and amazing!)

(I got Skipbo, which I was super excited about, but I took
this pic because I thought the paper wrapping around each
stack of cards was cool (instead of plastic!))

(Cal and Sam made my birthday poster all by themselves and they
helped Gregg pick out some fun gifts)

(Cal has been wanting to make a birdhouse and enter it into
the Ogden Nature Center contest they have every spring, and this was
the year that she and Gregg finally made it happen)

(she was inspired by our trip to the beach earlier in the month
and made a surf board bird house!)

(all put together!)


(even has a fin!)

(we had a fun fieldtrip day with Heather's fam to the Aggie
Chocolate Factory in Logan)

(interesting AND tasty!)


(and thank goodness for Grandpa who clears the patio all winter
so when there's a rare sunny day in early March, the cousins
can play some basketball!)

(Grandma and the threes on the swings)

(This says Twelfth Night, but we actually listened
to A Midsummer Night's Dream and really enjoyed it;
we took it slow and added lots of picture books and retellings before
the full cast recording of the play to help us know the story. And we've been
memorizing a few passages from the play all year building up to this grand finale.
I was impressed how much the kids enjoyed it!)

(Of course, it helped that we followed along to the audio with this.
Of course it was a hit at our house!)

(a fun combined activity: Bob Ross Night!)

(Cal has been taking a drawing class with some other homeschoolers
on Tuesday mornings and has been loving it!)

(I tried a new soda bread recipe for St. Paddy's. It was sweet
and different and tasty!)

(Another from the She Persisted series. They’re all well done.)

(putting on the finishing touches - real shells from

(ready to turn it in at the Nature Center.
Crossing her fingers for an award!)

(I saw this in a foodie newsletter email that I got
and wanted to save it, because really it's good advice
now as it was back during the war)

(Cal's feet were sore and peeling really badly so Gregg carried her
back up to our room after swimming in the hotel on our Pinedale ski trip)

(I like Pinedale's slogan: "All the civilization
you need!")

(that . . . is a lot of cousins!)

(Gregg's dad was having some chest pain on Saturday (18th) that didn't go away so on Sunday morning (19th) he went into the hospital to have it checked out. They found some heart damage, but wanted him
to stay for a while so they could run some tests. Monday morning (20th), while they were doing a long, painful ultrasound, he started having a heart attack and they rushed him into the cath lab to insert a stent. Here he is after the procedure in the ICU, but smiling. They kept him in the hospital for another day or two, but he was home by Wednesday (22nd) taking it easy. Quite a scary/stressful stretch for him and us, but we're glad he's doing okay and has a plan to take care of that ol' heart for a while longer!)

(We went to help Gregg's aunt Julie pack up her moving truck
since she's moving to Georgia to be closer to her kids after her husband (Gregg's uncle)
Rex died last year. As we were packing up we discovered that Rex had built
some large RC planes that were hanging in the garage (Ryan is posing for scale ;).

(a rare sunny Saturday, perfect for packing up a truck. It was good
to see Julie again and wish her well on her next adventure.)

(back at Grandma and Grandpa's house: testing out
Ryan's new computer game (coded and designed by him and Liz).)

(to finish up our Mormon Trail unit, we busted out the OG Oregon Trail
computer game that I played and loved as an elementary kid back in the day
(my kids didn't love it nearly as much as I did, somehow).)

(we also made butter from cream, just like the pioneers*
(*in a jar instead of a churn ;) and it worked like a charm!
Pretty fun!)

Every other round up here (whew!):
2023: FebJan 
2022: Dec | Nov June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan (I got really behind last year, but I'm working on catching up!)
2021: Dec | Nov | Sep | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2020: Dec | Nov | Sep | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar Quar + Mar | Feb | Jan
2019: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sep | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2018: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2017: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2016: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2015: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2014: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar Feb | Jan
2013: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June

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