Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Vermont 2021 {10/2-10/3: Rainy Day Roadtrips}

General Conference Weekend was rainy and gray, which would normally be a perfect time to cuddle up inside and watch tv for 10 hours . . . but we were itching to get out and explore after so much sitting in the car to get here, so we did a combination of both. We took some quickish rainy day roadtrips to check out covered bridges, a waterfall, and a lake, and we fit in Conference sessions when we could. (Thank heavens for youtube replays these days!)

On Saturday (2 Oct) morning, the moms drove to Newport to stock up on groceries and other Wal-Mart-y needs while the dads took the kids for a walk along the path near Lake Memphramagog. The highlight of the morning for them was to watch some people in a boat on the lake catch fish as part of a fishing competition. They got soaked in the rain and headed back to the condos before Christine and I finished our shopping, but we met up with them there just as the morning session was starting (it's weird to have it a noon here on the east coast). That afternoon we made a visit to Jay Country Store to see if we could procure a hoodie for Callie (and Sam, but Cal was most persistent in asking for this visit). Unfortunately their shirt selection was tiny compared to last year, so we weren't able to find one in her size. Bummer. 

Next stop was to Big Falls State Park near Troy. We stumbled on this crazy waterfall gorge last year completely by accident and were excited to show it to the McClungs, especially since it's so close to Jay Peak. I didn't think about how nerve-wracking it is to be on top off rocky cliffs with little people scurrying about with minds of their own. Luckily we all made it out in one piece. And we got to see tons of cool mushrooms on our walk through the woods! Sadly, though, the covered bridge you drive through to get there burned down last February when a snowmobile stalled as it was crossing then burst into flames!

Here the kids are playing together at
the McClungs' condo during the morning

Pretty cascade part of the falls. Looks nice, but not
intense per se.

And then when you peek over the edge of the cliff -

Even more whoa!

The pops of color through the evergreens
just really made me happy.

Giant, squishy, slimy 'shroom.

There are so many different sizes, shapes,
colors, patterns! I love them all!

Hand for reference - this guy was Huge!!

The rain really seems to make the colors pop, and
of course this photo doesn't do them justice at all,
but it was a gorgeous drive!

On Sunday (3 Oct) morning we watched the afternoon session that we had missed while adventuring. And then we hopped in the cars again for a drive to the Lyndon-area bridges, "the Covered Bridge Capital of the Northeast Kingdom". We stopped to play at the park while the rain was mostly paused, then made a loop out of the return trip with a visit to Lake Willoughby. We enjoyed the sandy beach in the rain and the kids got soaked (this time by wading into the water in their rainboots but going a bit too far and flooding them . . . first on accident, and then it became a game ;).

Group shot at Miller's Run Bridge.

Sam has mastered pumping on a swing
recently and he and Timmy were going high!

This tree was amazing all red and green
at the same time.

And even the soggy leaves on the ground are pretty!

Lake Willoughby in the fog and mist.

Thanks to our trusty map, we were able to find and
check off a couple new-to-us covered bridges on our way
home through Coventry.

Can't drive over this one (it leads to someone's field)
but not sure I'd want to anyway (lookin' a bit saggy
and sketchy).

Orne bridge was fantastic, though. Really nice
design and sturdy construction.

Here are the McClungs after driving through!

By the end of the weekend we were only missing one session of Conference and we got to explore a bit of the northern corner of the state, despite the rain - I think that worked out pretty nicely overall!

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