Thursday, October 7, 2021

Vermont 2021 {10/6: Tramside Twice - Sunshine Edition!}

Our plans for an adventure with the McClungs had to be bumped a day due to a terrible night's sleep they all got, so I told Christine to send the boys over to our side while she had a nap. After we got our boiler fixed (we woke up and there was just no hot water!), we all walked over to Tramside to the edge of the resort where the snowmaking pond (called Ullr's Dream) is located. It's such a pretty area and it had a bench that we spread out our nature journaling on and went to town. After the kids were done sketching and writing, they found ways to keep themselves occupied near a drain pipe and I read on my phone in the sunshine. Heavenly!

We walked back "home", played and ate snacks/lunch, set up a store on the rocks near our condo (Christine got a pic of that - I need to snatch that from her), read on the porch, did a math lesson, then all walked back again to Tramside to visit Provisions General Store (at last!! (according to Callie)) and hopefully find a Jay Peak hoodie for the kids. Spoiler alert: we did!

A fun, chill, warm and sunny day around home was just the ticket!

Oh! What a beautiful morning!!!

We could see all the way to the top of the tram!

Here's a tram coming into its house as we walked
down to the base.

Ullr's Dream the Snowmaking Pond
(I have no idea who Ullr is . . .)

Nature journaling on the bench by the pond.

It was simply spectacular!

Happy hoodie-wearers!
(Though we didn't really need hoodies on the way home . . .)

Gregg stopped at Belvidere Pond on his way back from
the office in Stowe - the sun was out and it was prime!


  1. So lovely! I'm glad you found some hoodies :)

  2. Can't wait to see all these fun places in person!!

  3. A spectacular view for nature journaling!
