Monday, October 25, 2021

Vermont 2021 {10/20-10/21: Jay Walk, Jay Creek}

Wednesday the 20th was pretty uneventful. My only pics for the day were from a walk I took that afternoon. Leaves are mostly gone up here at the resort, but it's still lovely, especially now that we can see the undergrowth changing colors, too.

It was a drizzly, gloomy sort of day on Thursday the 21st. But it wasn't windy like it had been the past handful of days, so we bundled in our warm/rain gear and got outside anyway. Cal and Sam showed me the pile of treads they had found on a secret trail a few days ago. And then we decided to check out the creek a few miles down the road from the resort. There's a little pull out off the side of the road and it leads to the most gorgeous little waterfall/swimming hole in the creek. We spent a good while here, the kids climbing and exploring and bridge-building (they made it across the water and were so proud!) while Christine and I chatted about homeschool and books, of course.

Discarded treads make for good bouncing and climbing.

Dew or rain? Dunno.

Sam at the Jay Creek falls. (I don't know what it's really
called, so that's what I call it. ;)

Almost all the kids had to cross this log
bridge, with help from the moms.

Sam thought these fungi looked like frogs.

A determined tree if I ever saw one.

More camouflaged fungi. 

Climbing kids.

These fuzzy licheny bryophytes just made
me happy.

And more - so many varieties!

Bridge construction under way.

Successful crossers!
As we were leaving, Sam said, "that was the coolest
thing EVER!" :D Be still my heart!

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