Saturday, April 10, 2021

Photos from Phones - March 2021 Round Up

In like a lion, out like a lamb? Eh, I don't know if that's completely accurate for March this year . . .  but it was definitely winter when it started and definitely spring when it ended, so I guess that's all that matters. :)

(A handful more winter books before spring comes (soon, I hope). When I got the Jan Brett version of the mitten a few weeks ago, Cal requested I track down the other two versions, too. My fave is the Tresselt, probably because it’s the one I grew up with, but also all the animals are wearing little Fair Isle sweaters and such and it’s just clever and cute.)

(And here’s a giant stack of books we returned today that just didn’t fit in specific categories. Instead it’s a pile of delight. Take your pick and enjoy!)

(Cal taught herself how to weave these tiny flowers in the times of a fork thanks to this book. She also started a braided rug out of T-shirt scraps. She had it thoroughly bookmarked with all the projects she wanted to try. We’ll have to check it out again to work on some more.)

(Black History Month is over now, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still read these excellent books! A few more Harriet Tubman stories and a few more Henry Box Brown stories and a lot more history from the Underground Railroad to the overground railroad to more modern times. Good stuff. Can’t go wrong with any of these.)

(the night Cal skied her first ever black diamond run,
Falling Star)

(there she goes! She's so brave!)

(rockin' it!)


(meanwhile, Sam and I took the green run, Old Barn,
and witnessed the same pink twilight in the east.)

(still rockin' it!)


bonus video!

(incidentally, I also skied my first black diamond with Cal on her second run down
Falling Star - she inspired me! and I didn't crash!)

(Sam found a book about Vietnam at the library (remember how he notices the countries
printed on the bottom of his hot wheels cars?) and checked it out, and flipped through
all the pages on his own. He kept showing me the food pictures (unfortunately it didn't say
anything about hot wheels car manufacture) and saying how good the pho and bahn mi sandwiches
looked. So, we decided it would be fun to try some Vietnamese food for real! We looked up a spot
in Ogden, ordered spring rolls, pho and bahn mi and brought them with us for our planned picnic
with Gregg's parents at the Great Salt Lake Shorelands Preserve but while we were picking up the food, Gregg noticed a big screw in the front tire of the car! Yikes! We made a pit stop at Big O Tires to get it fixed and feasted on the spring rolls on the grass in front of the shop instead. We still met up for a walk with Paul and Kim, but ate our picnics separately (we had ours in courses - with spring rolls on the Big O Tires lawn, bahn mis while we walked at the preserve, and pho when we got home).)

(pre-bedtime pho - Sam was a fan!)

(This was just like reading a hallmark movie: cheesy, predictable, love story in a small town. It’s got a “big bad” corporate guy and a local diner owner with money troubles (and dead parents, and an ex-husband, and a free-spirit Sister), and plenty of obstacles to keep them apart but of course they’re going to get together in the end. Plus, bonus: it is set in Vermont! So all the little “northeast kingdom” details actually seemed really familiar to me!)

(cutting foam for the new trailer beds and

(after dropping of some things to Ky and Michael and Zoe
in Hyrum, we made a pit stop at the park on the way out of town
to try out the disc golf)

("advanced prep" for science lessons:
sprouting bean seeds)

(and planting grass seeds)

(our last ski day of the year - we all attempted the top
of Falling Star and then Gregg led us to a secret short cut
trail, which because of the super squishy weird snow
caused Cal to biff it and then me to faceplant and twist my
knee right after. we all got down fine, but my knee was
sore for the next week plus and Cal and I were just done.
Sam and Gregg had plans to get up at least once more, but
never ended making it out before the season ended on the 28th.
until next year, Nordic!)

(A quiet evening + a handful of peanut m&ms + this book = pure delight! We recently watched The Sound of Music and I remembered that my mom had mentioned this memoir after our trip to Vermont, where the von Trapps settled when they came to America, so I put it on hold. I’m so glad I read this! I loved learning the “true story” behind that favorite movie (a lot of the movie is true!) and then to hear “the rest of the story” in Maria’s hilarious, down-to-earth, full of faith way was so wonderful. If you love The Sound of Music, this is a must read!)

bonus video

(THIS is why I wanted to buy a piano!!)

(thoroughly enjoyed this deep dive into one of my
favorite places in the world. Heatha recommended it to me
and I'm so glad she did - I learned so much! and I promptly booked
a camping trip (with Heather) this summer to spend some quality time

(trailer door building plus waaaay late night Aggie watching!)

(a very complex set up for gluing layers)

(pit stop on a Home Depot trip with dad - they found a
bike park, but didn't have bikes. didn't stop Sam!)

bonus video


(This was a re-listen for us, though it’s been about 4 years since we first heard it, and after watching the new movie version on Disney+, we figured it was high time to reread. It is not totally the same as the movie, though I was surprised how much the movie did keep (I couldn’t remember the book at all while watching the movie, so i was happily surprised when we started listening again). We loved both! Totally original, lots of heart, interesting characters, adventure, squirrels, poetry, donuts, comics. So fun!)

(a little Sunday soccer after dinner - our "field" is nearly
free of snow!)

(Cal's latest lego creation - I love to see the temple!)

(I peeked out the window and what did I see? kids playing
outside happily!)

(Just a handful (literally) of Cal’s recent reads that she really enjoyed.)

(Lots of March themes to choose from this month. Here we are celebrating Dr. Seuss’s birthday with this selection. And wouldn’t ya know, one of our picks made it on the black list (I only picked it out because it was one I hadn’t ever read before) right after we checked it out.)

(We also got a slew of St. Paddy’s Day picks, most of which are old faves by now, but a few are new to us; new or old, they’re all delightfully festive.)

March is also Women’s History Month so I went overboard on the picture book bios about interesting, inspiring, and unique women. :D)

(it was feelin' springy so we played at the park
after our library trip)

(look how big he's looking hanging out there!)

(this is his favorite trick lately - a one-handed
hang in the middle of a ladder. ha!)

(some afternoon disc golf with dad - don't mind if we do!)


(fhe props to pops - "put on the whole
armor of God")

(evening views from the backyard)


(handwriting practice this week has been writing letters
(her idea) - can you even believe that cursive?!)

(weathering demonstration)

(Happy St. Paddy's Day to ye!)

(my one contribution to the new trailer: I sewed covers
for all the cusions (and in true Kim fashion, I didn't buy any
fabric to do it, instead I raided our unused sheets stash and voila!))

(how they'll look all laid out on the bed in the trailer,
a bit of a hodge podge, but at least they all sort of
go with the same color scheme)

(corned beef and cabbage for dinner!)

(and Irish brown soda bread - almost for desert since
I didn't get it in quite in time to be ready for dinner)

(our fun young women "fireside" with the sister missionaries)


(Cal's polished and published "experience story"
for writing skills)

(part 2)

(she got bonked on the ear by the rope swing
seat and it turned bright purple!)

(some game day cookie making going on here!)

(she found this recipe in a cookbook she got from the library
and made them almost entirely by herself!)

(the ear bruise, day 2)

(they sprouted all right! and grew vertically out of the
paper towel!)

(I knew I saved all these random scrapbooking supplies
(for years) for a reason - she's caught the bug!)

(operation remove the ice from the patio has commenced!)

(here's our official "this is how much snow we have on
 the first day of spring" photo)

(first day of spring hot dog cookout!)

(they both cooked their own all by themselves!)


(I don't usually pick up a book of poems for myself, but
I used to follow this girl on instagram and read her blog for 
a while and had totally forgotten about her until I saw her name
on some book list and decided to see what she has been working
on lately. I had no idea she was a poet!)

(checked this oldie out after a fun text convo between my sister and our friend, Shauna, about books and authors we loved as kids. Shauna mentioned this book, which I didn’t think I had read, and promptly put on hold so I could make sure. She said it was one of her favorites in elementary school. I read others by Mary Downing Hahn, mostly ghost stories if I remember right, which doesn’t make sense to me in hindsight. That is not my genre, but I guess it was back then for a while! This is not a ghost story, but it is heavy for juvenile fiction! WWII, abuse, bullying, secrets, grief, friendship ... it’s intense! But I was hooked on the story and the writing wasn’t terrible (like I feared an author from my childhood might turn out to be reading as an adult). Worth a revisit ... and definitely worth the reconnection with an old friend!

(I was in the mood for an outing, and the dino park was
on their last day of their spring sale for memberships, which I didn't
want to miss, so we made our first trip there in over a year! it was
really great to be back)


(we covered the whole park!)

(this is one of the dino sculptures that they've updated
in recent years (we actually saw them working on it a few
years ago) to add feathers!)





(vaccination day!! and how do we celebrate (aka
spend our 15 minute post-shot wait)? by playing disc
golf on the weber state course next door to the events
center where the vaccinations are being given!)

(it helped us get that arm moving ;)
and after our wait time was up, we got panda
express for lunch and made a quick stop at Home Depot
for trailer parts - time to party!)

(he's mastered the fence climbing - which
comes in handy when we need him to fetch an
errant disc!)

(He wanted to look at his latest LEGO book instead of play on the computer after he got everything checked out. So I pointed him to the chairs and when I was done checking my books out, I found him snuggled up like this. (My favorite part is his little feet sticking straight out into space.) 💗)

(Spotted this on the board book shelf and read through it quickly while I was waiting for Cal. A clever idea and I learned a lot, even in its simple board book level execution.)

(This is how I found him this morning when I woke up. 😍)

(this is getting out of control - this is my currently reading slash to be read (maybe)

Every other round up here (whew!):
2021: FebJan
2020: Dec | Nov | Sep | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar Quar + Mar | Feb | Jan
2019: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sep | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2018: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2017: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2016: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2015: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2014: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar Feb | Jan
2013: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June

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