Saturday, August 31, 2019

Photos from Phones - August 2019 Round Up

I told Gregg last night that August actually feels like it took a month to get through.  I felt like June and July just flew by and all of a sudden they were over, but August took its time.  And it was good.  We did a LOT of fun things - camping, hiking, splashing in the water of multiple lakes, playing with cousins, reading, balloon festival, starting school, riding bikes - and now it feels like it should be September tomorrow.  Which is good.

(yep, you can say I got carried away with my
holds - usually I have 20+ waiting for me, but
they're mostly all picture books.  This time they
were all for me!)

(Friday Night Pizza and a Movie - we watched
this gem . . . do you know what it is?  I'll give
you a hint: He's Some Terrific Radiant Humble
Thingamajigama Pig!)

(While Gregg got the kids in bed, I walked to the store and bought
ice cream, which we then turned into root beer floats and ate them
on the couch while we watched Stranger Than Fiction for a little
date night. So fun!  I took this on the walk home because the light
was lovely on the Seven Sisters.)

(back to school list for Cal - getting ready
for a shopping trip next week!)

(part two of the shopping list - I'm
not sure how I feel about all that candy

(continuing my series of these trees in all seasons - here's full

(funny mail - should we make them send us
a check for two cents?!)

(Sunday morning balloon floating by - a fun
preview to what's coming later this month!)

(looking darling in her new sea turtle dress)

(oh good grief could they be cuter?)

(looking so old with a tie!)

(from our first ever campout in the tearanasaurus rex
(moreabout that here) - we had some visitors wander through
camp while we ate our hot dogs for dinner)

(Lots of visitors - including a big old sheepdog who just laid
down at the end of our little road and let the sheep wander
all around him/sniff him as they walked by.)

bonus videos!

(when Cal saw the sheepdog she said, "it's just like Fly
and Babe!" (we recently read Babe together).)

(I finished this by the fire - it was entertaining, sure,
but I wouldn't call it the best book I've read this
summer, which I was kind of expecting from the hype
I had heard about it. Not bad, but just kind of over
the top drama.)

(the goodies from this week's library stack)

(this one made us chuckle)

(finished this one while camping in Monte
and I really enjoyed and could relate
to what she said, especially the early chapters
about  the simplifying and shedding)

(another monday morning walk on the bike path by the
reservoir with Charlie and his mom and brother)

(water level is dropping - this rope swing tree used to be totally
under water -  and the dead fish along the edge of
the lake are additional proof)

(I spy yellow leaves!)

(another twinge of yellow popping up - every year I think
it's so early, but I'm guessing it happens about mid-august
every year anyway)

(story time with Ms. Dayna - Sam and Charlie
= BFFs)

(I was in purge mode, wanting to start the school year with fresh
walls and doors again, but I just had to snap a couple pics of cute
drawings we've been enjoying lately.  I couldn't remember if I ever
took a pic/posted this one previously, so if I did, here's a repeat.
Cal's alien creatures make me smile.)

(dinos drawn by sam - I can't remember if the red lines
on the red one are teeth or blood?)


(the tour of utah bike race came through our
neighborhood today - we got to watch them
go past this corner by Carlos and Harley's
on their first loop around the reservoir)

(here they come!

bonus video!

(then we watched them come past our corner as they
made their second lap around and headed up to
Powder Mountain for the finish)

(Grace and Heather invited us to their combined
"birthday bash at the splash" at the park near
their house - Heather made chocolate raspberry
cheesecake and chocolate T. Rex cake and they
were both amazing!)


(Cal made them both cards)

(and we gave them both some books)

(while I was hiking with Megan and Heather,
my mom was watching all the kids with Ky -
they had a grand time at Grandma's!)

(cousin pool day - everyone minus baby Maggie

(all the three and unders napped while Cal and Ev
had some grand quiet time including cookie making
with grandma, art time, and story snuggles)

(some recent audiobook finishes
that we loved)

(Callie was super into this one - one day while
listening she said, "I love all the chocolately parts!"
and Sam said, "I love the Charlie parts!"  haha)

(I spent a good, quiet afternoon bingeing on this
one - I liked it more than I expected.  I think it's
worth reading if you're an Anne fan)

(dinner out with these hooligans - we have Cohen and Melia staying
with us for a few days and we went into Ogden to meet up with
Heather and the boys, but had to get some grub first)

(Pepito's Cheeseteaks on 25th Street were AMAZING!
Seriously good stuff.  And the fries were great, too.)

(bowling buddies - Cohen was the champ in this group for the
first game scoring 105!- I asked him how he got so good at
bowling and he said, "I have no idea!"

(We've read the book Bee-Bim Bop! by Linda
Sue Park dozens of times, but have never
made the stuff (recipe seen here from the back
of the book) . . . till now!  This was our back-to-
school "feast" and everyone loved it!)

(more directions from the book)

(another version, this one in the August 2019
Friend Magazine, which finally pushed us into
giving it a try.  I used my friend Alli's Korean
Beef recipe
.  Then we mixed and matched the
topping ideas from the book and the magazine,
ending up with carrots, cukes, sprouts (which
I bought but forgot to put on the table), sauted
mushrooms and sesame seeds (from the
magazine version) plus the eggs and sauted
spinach (from the book version).  YUM!)

(first day of first grade and I can't handle
the cuteness! (I'm so glad Gregg thought to
get out the big camera for some "real" photos
before we headed off to school))

(she's ready!)

(her bike is ready, too!)

(we made it a family affair to drop her off)

(a few nerves showing up in this smile, but she
did great and completely loves school and her teacher)

(Sam and I got busy making cookies for Cal's
after school treat (and, honestly, because I needed
some cookies, too!)  He said at 9:30: "I thought Callie
was still here!"  And then at 11:30: "Mom, is school
over yet?!"  Poor boy, these days are going to be long!)

(a jug o' love)

(We went for a walk to the lake to check out the
fish-stink factor (recently a ton of fish have died
and washed up on shore all around the reservoir
because of the heat and the dropped water levels
which causes oxygen levels to drop, too, and it was
STINKY for a few days.  Verdict: plenty of dead
fish still around, but they're past the stinky phase,
plus these sunflowers just keep stunning me!)

(luckily for Sam, we had a couple friends come
over to be baby sat for a couple hours, and that
made the long, lonely day at home with mom
more bearable!)

(finished this one.  I found it interesting,
entertaining, and informative.)

(read this one in a day!  loved it!  But I think I
still like Garlic and Sapphires better.)

(started this one next (and finished it a couple days
later) - it's a Canadian-Muslim retelling of Pride
and Prejudice and it was fun and quick to read,
but not necessarily amazing literature or anything like

(Stake Conference fishtail braid practice)

(whipped this Oatmeal Chocolate Cake (first time
attempting it in a bundt and it was bundt perfection)
up for a ward party this week - mmmm!  it
smelled amazing!)

(pre-bed projecting - this was an "all about me" poster
collage Callie made to share with her class.  She included some
fingerprint art (the cupcake on the left), drawing (that
penguin on the right is her first ever and it turned
 out adorable), photos of her and her family,
a sticker from where she skis, her favorite book (The Book
With No Pictures), she loves to cook (she drew a pot and some
Football Meatloaf from her cookbook), she loves monkey bars (so
she drew herself crossing a long set), and her favorite color is pink)

(cruisin' on the blacktop behind the school
after we dropped Cal off - on the big red bike,
no less!)

(he loves how fast he can go with less pedalling

(at our ward picnic at Camp Atoka, the kids
tried out the big rope swing that is part of a little
ropes course at the camp)


(the leftovers after the party - that's a lot of cake!  (I had extra
cream cheese frosting after making a Zucchini Spice Cake
on Sunday (yes, lots of cake around here!), so I slathered it on
the chocolate oatmeal number I made this time.  It was yummy!)

(we read this tonight before bed and it
accidentally turned out to be the perfect book
for to segway into a little chat about
this week's Come Follow Me lesson about
spiritual gifts.  Yes!)

(two more down, both tiny and green essay collections and both
very fun)

(texted to Gregg on our anniversary: "current status"
he was currently checking into his hotel in Avon when I sent
it to him.  Happy Anniversary to us!)


(the end of August triggers an undeniable
craving for bacon and tomato sandwiches and
marv 'n' joes in me, but I had no tomatoes, so I
went seeking out a roadside stand while I was in
Ogden and found a table in someone's yard on
the way to Paul and Kim's in West Haven that was
selling these beauts!  Best $5.05 I've ever spent!)

(we had gone all summer without paying a visit
to the "stream" across the street from our house
(we lived there last summer so it was weird
to never have gone this year).  after last night's
visit, Cal and Sam requested another chance
to play (in swimsuits this time))

(magical, I tell you!)

(it was freezing cold water, but that didn't stop
these two from gallivanting about for 40 minutes!)

(another lovely evening to the west, that turned
into quite the thunder and lightning storm
that evening, and then again, when it woke me up
at 11:30 with some of the loudest thunder and heaviest
rain I can remember!)

(Sam and I had a little date/adventure to the dinosaur
park in Ogden while we waited to pick up Gregg from
the rental car place after his trip)

(we covered the whole park!)

(he likes his meat eaters, but doesn't want to get
too close)

(it was fun having some one-on-one time with my
boy (which we will be having lots of
for the next couple of years, and I am here for it!))

(itchy nose selfie)


(gifts from my momma, delivered by
my dad - I love harvest time!!)

(sandwich number four in 19 hours - I told you it was an
undeniable craving!)

(it's friday, all!  my new favorite pizza is this,
a little bit a la Papa Murphy's: crust + ranch
dressing from a bottle (I use kraft) + minced
garlic or garlic powder sprinkled over top + mozza +
chicken, zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, onions
(and mushrooms if you have them but I didn't today) +
sprinkle of parm from a can - YUM!)

(sunrise Saturday)

(another one bites the dust - I've completed
all but two books from that stack I posted
on the first day this month!  One I still need to start
and the other I had to return because someone else
had it on hold.  Plus I added another mid-month.
Plus we listened to a handful of audiobooks
during the month.   All told, I had a record
reading month with 13 completed books
in August!!  Road trips plus cousin time plus
school did wonders for my reading life.)

(our first ever family bike ride turned into a "bike
hike" when we decided to ride to our trailhead
and hike to the overlook.)




(it was SO fun!  Super Saturday Status achieved!)

(we hear owls in our trees over our garage pretty
much every morning and evening, but we rarely
get a glimpse of them lately because the leaves
are such good camouflage.  tonight, though, we
were roasting mallows for dessert and saw an
owl fly into the tree over our front porch - it sat
there and watched us by the fire for a good long
while and it was so fun to see it again!) 

Every other round up here (whew!):
2019: JulyJune | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2018: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2017: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2016: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2015: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2014: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar Feb | Jan
2013: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June