Sunday, November 12, 2023

Photos from Phones - October 2023 Round Up

As with the Out There post, this one is starting halfway through the month because the rest of October is featured in many, many, many other posts from our trip. Let's dive right in!

(Got our fall/Halloween decor up this morning
before church)

(we don't have much shelf space, so the book
case serves double duty)

(even the piano got a touch of Halloween)

(got this fun garland from my friend Laura
last year and I had totally forgotten about it!)

(Kandinsky tree art project to go along with our Nell Plants
a Seed family book club)

(we opted for seasons - I did fall, Cal did winter, and
Sam did spring)

(the official tesla count sheet, kept by Cal
during our trip. We counted them up and entered
the data into google sheets to make graphs
this year)

(the Blanchard nerd status is through the roof!)

(just a nice quote from home education queen bee
Charlotte Mason)

(I read this article about All Saints Day
and this poem was part of it, which I liked)

(a mighty mushroom harvest from our backyard!
no, not for eating  . . . for science!)

(I sat outside the library for almost an hour while Cal was at STEAM club and read almost this entire book. (I finished it before bed.) It’s Kate DiCamillo’s brand new book and it is so delightfully her! She’s a master. I loved it!)

(this snail mail conversation between two cute
cousins just cracks me right up. (Sam had written
a postcard to Grace from Vermont asking if she
had gotten the text he had sent her. And her is
her reply))

(a new baptism outfit from Gma
and Gpa B!)

(pumpkin face version 2.0
the original was back in 2018)

(the big reveal of our spore prints - they worked!!)

(we tried different colors of paper and even
tinfoil, which I think worked best. This is black
construction paper, which I think worked worst)

(aren't they pretty?!)

(check out the white spores!!)


(we went to a Hoop Dance demonstration/lesson
at the library this evening. Cal was chosen to come
demonstrate how hoop size matters - they actually have smaller
ones for smaller people and bigger ones for bigger people)

(then he passed out hoops to anyone who
wanted to it try themselves)

(he taught us some of the moves, and it 
was definitely tricky!)




(then he did a dance for us - holy moly! that was impressive!
even more so since we had just attempted some of the moves
and realized just how hard they were)

(check him out here)

(so cool!)

(snagged this from a newsletter I got. Just too cute
and funny!)

(I took home a bushel of apples from Kylie's
tree that we picked the day before while we
were in Cache Valley for the Pumpkin Walk

and I started making applesauce with them on Saturday.
That was the weirdest applesauce making I've ever done.
The apples were SO juicy that the "sauce" was mostly juice
with a little bit of pulp)

(I drained out all the liquid and put the pulp
in one pot and the liquid in another) 

(I added back some liquid to the sauce to get
the consistency I wanted - this was all the sauce
I got from a bushel!)

(and then we (Gregg helped a lot!) canned both the sauce
and the juice - 7 1/2 pints of sauce and 6 quarts of juice.
such weird ratios!)

(we finally framed Cal's pumpkin stitchery
and it looks so cute!)

(I just liked this poem from a new book
called Welcome to the Wonder House)

(one of the newsletters I read has started making these
cute Charlotte Mason quotes and sharing them in her
newsletter, so often I'll save them for inspiration)

(another newsletter, another funny comic)

(our nature study today was learning the phases
of the moon - with oreos!)

(pretty tasty way to remember the moon
cycle, I say.)

(Cal was excited to get back to activity days
after a long break - this week they made
leaf shadow boxes and painted pumpkins for Dia
de los Muertos)

(here's her big group)

(I finished listening to this book, and I
think I'm glad I read it, but I don't think I can
recommend it because of some serious language (only
from a couple characters, but hoo-boy when it's their
turn it's a lot - I had to fast forward a lot) and other moral
issues I don't love. But it was the most unusual book I've ever
read, with over 160 something narrators, and switching back and forth
between ghosts in the cemetery where Lincoln's son Willy
is buried and actual historical documents detailing that time in 
history, from the party the Lincoln's held the night Willy died, to
details about the funeral and the war and real people's opinions of
the president. I am a huge fan of George Saunders and this book
gave me a lot to think about, but there are definite content warnings,
so just be aware.)

(Cal was in need of a change in her room, so we did
some major dejunking and rearranging and this is
the final result (well, the next day we did move
the dresser at the end of her bed so it was facing
out into the room instead of into the dark corner))

(so fresh and new!)

(it did take a few days to get used to, but
now I think she's a fan)

(This year’s Halloween picture book reads. A few are old faves,
but the majority are new to us this year, so that was fun!)

(when we went trick-or-treating at the library, we noticed
a new art display, and of course the kids were way into
this LEGO guitar and asked for a pic)

Every other round up here (whew!):
2023: AugJuly | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan 
2022: Dec | Nov June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan (I got really behind last year, but I'm working on catching up!)
2021: Dec | Nov | Sep | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2020: Dec | Nov | Sep | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar Quar + Mar | Feb | Jan
2019: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sep | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2018: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2017: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2016: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2015: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2014: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar Feb | Jan
2013: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June

1 comment:

  1. What a tender post! I loved getting to know her better through your photos!
