Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Photos from Phones - September 2020 Round Up

This may be the absolute smallest Photos from Phones post I've ever published. We had so much happen in such a small amount of month (like birthday celebrations, and that big windstorm, and lots of hiking (and biking)) that got their own posts, so there weren't many photos left over to post here! 

I also decided to post it earlier than my usual last day of the month (or later!) since I'm planning some special Vermont Trip things (like our trip here and a tour of the condo and quarantine life, etc) as their own posts. (And since we're here through October, next month might look a little different than normal, too. Stay tuned!) But until then, you can enjoy these random tidbits through the first half September that didn't fit anywhere else.

(tonight's post dinner adventure was searching
in the weeds and trees and thicket at Wolf Creek
Disc Golf Course for Dad's lost discs;
the goal: find four missing discs, the final
tally recovered: four discs!, the bad news:
only two were ones Gregg had lost, the others
were lost by others!)

(yes, that's Cal in the basket)

(the second one is just as great as the first!
Can't wait for more of these to come!)

(I found this one while searching for various authors
and illustrators on our library site. It kept popping up for tons of them, so
I decided to check it out. It's a collection of letters from adult readers
to young readers and each letter has an accompanying illustration by a different
artist. It's quite a book! The subtitle says young readers, but I felt like I had 200+ 
readerly friends to share bookish love with as I read it.)

(we met up with the Utah contingent of Blanchard family
for Burger Bar dinner in the park and ice cream from Farr's 
to celebrate Grandma Kim's birthday)

(we were headed to Logan to hang out with
my family on Labor Day when we decided Sam's
holey shoes needed to be replaced ASAP. So we gave
him one of his birthday presents a few days early,
right before we left for Cache Valley)

(I think he was a little disappointed that
they aren't light-up shoes, but he still is pretty
happy with them)

(just spreading out the birthday love all week.
and I realized now I probably should have included
these photos on his birthday post. but oh well. here they
are. giving a little girth to this mini-sized round up)

(I still love this even if his face is blurry)

(lotsa shoe-opening shots, apparently!)

(sometimes I can't handle his cuteness!)

(we had quite the bike and scooter parade
to follow as we walked down to the park
with all the kids)

(they played in the splash pad on the last day
of its season and had a blast!)

(we've been checking out all our fave September and October
books before we leave for VT and won't have library
access for 6 weeks!)

(and also reading everything else. Here are this week's
particular faves)

(she wrote this earlier in the month, but I remembered
to snap a pic today - she's really into making up poems
lately and this one had a decidedly silly streak running
through it)

(watching cabin building or disc golf
mostly likely - on the heat vent!)


(seen on my favorite come follow me podcast's instagram
account on my sunday scroll. It went along with this week's
(or maybe last week's?) podcast and I was happy to see
the list posted here)

(and this one was on facebook, probably on a Mighty
Girl page? I don't know really, but I did like it and fully
believe it - my kids have the best grandparents I could
ever have dreamed for them (and I did as well, so I feel
extra lucky!))

(seen on facebook and it just made me laugh!)

(I got on a Cynthia Rylant kick (as I have done with lots of authors and illustrators
this year) and put everything on hold that I could find. (Well, not everything;
she is prolific!!) I thought Rosetown was a picture book but when I picked it up at the
library it was clearly a middle grade novel. I thought Cal might like it but she never got into
it. So I read it instead. It was okay. Not bad, not great. The Van Gogh Cafe was fun, though!
It was super quick (only 50ish pages) but not an early reader. Not sure where it would be
categorized. I love how each chapter ended with ellipses that became the chapter title when you
turned the page . . . and a new mystery.)

(what a weird one-bumped german pancake
for breakfast this morning)

(what a happy mail day! we finally got a box
from k12 with school supplies. (we still haven't
got everything, but we did get these fun science
things! Cal was so pleased!)

(whipped this up for my tyke hikes newsletter post about skyline
and just can't get over how cute this Callie June is in the leaves!)

(I snapped this pic of Gregg's brake pads
on his bike so I could have a visual of what
I needed to buy for him while we were in Ogden
setting up the kids' season ski rentals - I'm glad I had
the pic since I had to whip it out for multiple sales
people and two different shops to help me find what
we needed.)

(I sent this to Gregg after I bought them but
before I left the parking lot, hoping it was
right because even after having the above
pic and having a bike person hand pick these
for me based on the above pic, I still was not
confident I had purchased the right thing.
Luckily, it was right and they worked just fine!)

(squeezing in more fall library faves before
we are libraryless for a while. We have loved
all of these for a long time!)

(and a few others that we stumbled upon and liked this week)

And that gets us halfway through the month! The rest of September will be covered in separate posts, so watch for those and thanks for being here!

Every other round up here (whew!):
2020: AugJuly | June | May | Apr | March Quarantine + Mar | Feb | Jan
2019: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sep | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2018: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2017: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2016: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2015: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar | Feb | Jan
2014: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June | May | Apr | Mar Feb | Jan
2013: Dec | Nov | Oct | Sept | Aug | July | June

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